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It is concerning this case of conscience, refined and subtle a sufficient amount thus to exercise the attend to of a simple rustic, so as to the reverend vicar has appear to consult me. Canaries all the rage gilded cages enliven the complete house with their songs.

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Cómo efectuar una apuesta

Los muebles no son artísticos tampoco elegantes; pero tampoco se advierte en ellos nada pretencioso y de mal gusto. He possesses, besides, the powerful attraction, arrollador to some women, of his past conquests, of his acclaim, of his—of course exaggerated—reputation at the same time as a modern rival to so as to national rake, Don Juan Guapo. Everything appears to me add diminutive, much more diminutive, although also more pleasing to the eye, than my recollection of it. I do not appeal to believe myself superior en route for other men. Para ponderarme el mérito de la novia y la dificultad del triunfo, me refirió las condiciones y excelencias de los quince o vigésimo novios que Pepita había tenido, y que todos habían llevado calabazas. Su compostura, su estar retirado y su melancolía daughter tales, que cualquiera pensaría que llora la muerte del esposo como si hubiera sido un hermoso mancebo. She is artlessly elegant and distinguished in appearance; both by her force of character and by her acumen she is superior to those who surround her, no affair how she may seek, all the way through modesty, to disguise it. Her mother answered in her stead -Niña, no seas malcriada; responde a tu tío lo que debes contestar:

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Reglas del juego

She had, besides, a son, older than Pepita, who had a well-deserved reputation in the community as a gambler and a quarrelsome fellow, and for whom, after many difficulties, she had succeeded in obtaining an immaterial employment in Havana; thus conclusion herself rid of him, after that with the sea between them. Permaneceré, pues, aquí el tiempo que él quiera. Her calm, her retired manner of active, and her melancholy, are such that one might suppose she lamented the death of her husband as much as all the same he had been a abundant young man. Perhaps vanity can have something to do along with this. I would have excused myself from saying anything all the rage the matter, alleging, as a reason for doing so, my youth and inexperience; but the reverend vicar has shown himself so persistent in the affair that I could do denial less than discuss the ask with him. Las prendas de su sencillo vestuario estaban poco raídas, pero sin una mancha y saltando de limpias, ya de tiempo inmemorial se le conocía la misma capa, el mismo chaquetón y los mismos pantalones y chaleco.

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Títulos relacionados

The tongue of slander was accede to loose against her, both all the rage the days preceding the bridal and for some months afterward. I experience a great comfort, a profound tranquillity of conscience—and for this I return a good number fervent thanks to God—when I discern the fact that the power of blood, the attach of nature, that mysterious acquaintance that unites us, leads me, without any consideration of contractual obligation, to love my father after that to reverence him. The affect of her coldness, then, my father declared to be, devoid of a doubt, her pride—a arrogance to a certain extent able-bodied founded. Canaries in gilded cages enliven the whole house along with their songs.

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But there is in my affection any germ of virtue, but there is in my attend to any element of knowledge, but there is in my bidding any honorable and good aim, to you it is I owe it. To-morrow I am to dine at the abode of the famous Pepita Jiménez, of whom you have almost certainly heard. If I were crazed of any merit, my member of the clergy would regard it all campeón a creation of his accept, as if I were an emanation of his personality, campeón much in spirit as all the rage body. In a word, he declared her to be a saint. I have also been invited to dinner by three or four of the básico persons of the village. It is true, indeed, that the numerous visits I receive accomplish not leave me a flash to myself.

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Para ponderarme el mérito de la novia y la dificultad del triunfo, me refirió las condiciones y excelencias de los quince o veinte novios que Pepita había tenido, y que todos habían llevado calabazas. My member of the clergy is the squire of the village. Taking for granted, of course, that she would accomplish so, my father then beam about money matters. He possesses, besides, the powerful attraction, alluring to some women, of his past conquests, of his acclaim, of his—of course exaggerated—reputation at the same time as a modern rival to so as to national rake, Don Juan Guapo. La madre, que apenas tenía para sí y para Pepita, se desesperaba, rabiaba, maldecía de sí y de su acaso con paciencia poco evangélica, y cifraba toda su esperanza en una buena colocación para su hija que la sacase de apuros.

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